Automated parcel singulation solution
Our automated solutions for receiving bulk parcels and organizing them into sortable flows can be combined with a barcode scanning station and a weight and volume control station.
From bulk parcel processing to singulation
ALFI Technologies designs and manufacture parcel singulation solutions that are entirely interfaced with our unloading equipment. These solutions are based on parcels’ specifications. A simulation software based on entry data enables to optimize the singulation process.
All our equipment are connected together and react as a unique intelligent system that transforms the parcels bulk into a continuous singulated flow.
Combined to 2 U-CARE P or U-CARE C tippers, our singulator delivers a controlled and optimized flow of parcels. Our system is able to deliver 5 000 parcels per hour.

Bulk parcel flow splitting
The specific movement of the U-CARE unloaders enables a pre-singulation of the parcel flow, a specialty of ALFI Technologies.
Thanks to 3D immersive and interactive simulation solutions, ALFI Technologies facilitates splitting process validation and allows a total interaction with the line, an interesting option when it comes to validating a manual singulation workstation.