Paris, November 16, 2020 – Boost French Fab is an initiative of French Fab entrepreneurs, supported by the Fédération des Industries Mécaniques and BPIFrance. It aims to encourage the use of French Industry 4.0 solution providers for the implementation of investments subsidized by the recovery plan.
BOOST FRENCH FAB: a solution accelerator
Launched on November 12, 2020 by Agnès Pannier-Runacher, Minister Delegate to the Minister for the Economy, Finance and Recovery, in charge of Industry, and by Nicolas Dufourcq, Managing Director of Bpifrance, Boost French Fab is an accelerator of solutions.
- The French Industry of the Future solution providers and the voluntary France Relance laureates meet on the same collaborative platform.
- This platform allows the Laureates to make calls for solutions and commercial offers.
It allows solution providers to form consortia to respond globally to a call from a France Relance laureate. - The platform also hosts neutral experts who can help to select the best offer, particularly on a technical level when innovative technologies are offered.

The Minister Delegate for Industry on Boost French Fab
“Thanks to the work carried out by the French Fab entrepreneurs, the Fédération des Industries mécaniques, the Alliance pour l’industrie du futur, the CETIM and Bpifrance, “Boost French Fab” will make it possible to quickly deploy the means implemented by the “France Relance” plan to transform our economy and prepare for the rebound. “Boost French Fab” makes it possible to promote and facilitate the use of the many providers of French solutions, so that the recovery plan benefits the entire value chain. “Boost French Fab” also makes it possible to accelerate France Relance projects by facilitating the search for industrial solutions to quickly meet the needs of the laureates. »
said Agnès Pannier-Runacher, Minister Delegate for Industry.
Why join the BOOST FRENCH FAB platform?
The winners and applicants of France Relance have many reasons to join the Boost French Fab approach:
- Economic patriotism France Relance funds are financed by all of us
To strengthen the French industrial ecosystem, a condition for the medium-term competitiveness of all its members - To have access to new suppliers, new offers instead of the usual dominant suppliers in Germany or Asia. They might surprise you with their innovation and competitiveness.
- To secure their investment. Proximity is a key factor.
Solution providers, you have many reasons to join the Boost French Fab approach. This is the opportunity to :
- Make you known to the industrialists of the French Fab who believe in the future and who invest
- Develop sales of your “Industry 4.0” products to new customers
- Set up collaborative projects to meet the demands of manufacturers

About the platform
Boost French Fab is an initiative of French Fab entrepreneurs aimed at promoting the use of French Industry of the Future solution providers. The platform is supported by BPIFrance and the Fédération des Industries Mécaniques (FIM). The FIM provides to companies a favorable framework for their growth and competitiveness and promotes an innovative and responsible vision of mechanics. The missions of the federation are to guide industrial policy, support companies in their modernization and enhance the image of mechanics and its trades.
The website :
LinkedIn page : Boost French Fab
Twitter : @boostfab
Focus on entrepreneurs
Laurent Couillard, founder of InUse : member of the Management Committee and Administrator of the FIM
Yann Jaubert, founder of ALFI Technologies : French Fab ambassador, Alliance Industrie du Futur
Wudo: a French start-up offering solution for sharing skills between companies.
The sponsoring contractors of the project would like to thank the Fédération des Industries Mécaniques (FIM) for its trust and support for the development of this platform as well as the developers of Wudo who were able to demonstrate their responsiveness to launch this platform in record time.
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